Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Thaw Begins

While February is supposed to be the coldest month of the year, I can already start to feel the thaw coming on. It might be that there isn’t frost on the cars when I leave the house in the morning, or the sunshine that lets me keep my jacket unbuttoned for a couple hours in the afternoon, or the winter sweaters and boots finally going on sale in the stores to make room for lighter fare.

But really, I think it’s more internal than external. Now that January is FINALLY over, I feel a little lighter in spirit. Time is flying by, as we're already one-third of the way through the month. My weekends are filled with parties, live music, dancing, and most of all friends. This weekend I’m going on my first ski trip, and while I’m nervous about snowboarding for the first time, I’m equally excited to be going on a road trip and playing in the snow.

I’m finally getting back into the swing of doing things during the weekdays as well. I’m going to yoga class again, and the restretching of my muscles feels fantastic. Biking has become much more enjoyable, and I will ride the long way home on my daily commute. I’ve been eating dinner and watching movies with the friends who are here, and chatting over Skype with those who aren’t. I’m still homesick at times, but it’s nowhere near as bad as it was last month. Ideas are coming to me for art projects that had fallen by the wayside when I became dormant in the winter. Just in time to try and enter some more t-shirt contests, too.

I am coming back to life, and it is the kind of life I enjoy living. T.G.I.F - Thank God It's February.

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